FloralFusion, holger lippmann 2023/24, p5js, portrait format aspect: 9/6, build-up: 20– 40 layersi rememberto be in an old castle in france during
E-PASTEL II, holger lippmann 2023, p5js, portrait format aspect: 9/6, build-up: 350– 450 layersi rememberto be in an old castle in france
Responsiveness: use “r” key to redraw active form & color set to generate different variations of it. (click first into the image
wave flow vibrate oscillate swing waft drift float undulate surge meander… is it landscape?project link art blockscurated artist interviewcreative conceptafter years of
circles divided into smaller and smaller partitions within a subdivision process (iteration).at the circle level there are 1 to 16 subdivisions,this process
IMAGINAL-DISCis a work series i’ve been on since a while. based on many interlocking circularly arranged subdivisions creating a structure reminiscent of
another iteration series influenced by carpets.well-worn, crumbling and/or reorganizing structures.based on frames-within-frames feedback loops, which create compositions out of small and large,
FlowFielda semi abstract work group that consists of of softly morphing landscape like noise-grids, layered over each other, building up staggered fields
TRANSITERATE season 3 Drop 2022 June 23 >>A disk is divided into smaller and smaller partitions within a subdivision process (iteration).at the
WaVyScApE consists of of softly morphing blob shapes traveling horizontally and leaving their trails behind. creating virtual three-dimensional forms, layered over each