brightmoments/berlin_collection100x NFTs made with code (processing), file format: mp4 4k, 9 seconds loop reminiscent of radar scanning beams, write and read processes, circulating
WaVyScApE 4consists of of softly morphing blob shapes traveling horizontally and leaving their trails behind. creating virtual three-dimensional forms, layered over each
WaVyScApE consists of of softly morphing blob shapes traveling horizontally and leaving their trails behind. creating virtual three-dimensional forms, layered over each
based on differently layered perlin noise structures, Unfolding Silently is an abstract series of works reminiscent of a nordic landscape type.i grew
based on differently layered perlin noise structures, Unfolding Silently is an abstract series of works reminiscent of a nordic landscape type.i grew
WaVyScApEconsists of of softly morphing blob shapes traveling horizontally and leaving their trails behind. creating virtual three-dimensional forms, layered over each other,
one of my latest noiseScape series.wave flow vibrate oscillate swing waft drift float undulate surge meander…is it landscape?after years of living in
i grew up in a suburb of mittweida, a foothills area with a gently rolling hilly landscape, with many small forests and
the ongoing project DATA-DONUT is dedicated to the beauty of codes.math is beautiful in its way of making natural things/laws visible. a