the ongoing project DATA-DONUT is dedicated to the beauty of codes.
math is beautiful in its way of making natural things/laws visible.
a form of communication that portrays dense and complex information in graphical form.
visualizing data by applying values to shapes, colors and algorithmic/geometrical structuring.
more and more shapes are added and superimposed, only to be thinned out and structured again later.
based on the open source software Processing, which was developed in early 2000 by a community of programming artists for artists, the DATA-DONUT series create systems, images and color experiences that result from the data of carefully selected color palettes. The starting point are squares whose arrangement results in a circle. The extraordinary value of the colorful artworks lies in the computer’s universal capacity for expansion and repetition, the possibilities that result from the software, the Dadaist principle of discarding options, struggling with contingencies, destroying and recreating to the point of decision-making, so that each unique piece becomes a sensual pleasure. In short: code-based process art
an ongoing process of modeling between input and output, finding a freeze, a final image. keeping only a few. presenting information in a way that detaches itself from the actual purpose, becoming poetry.